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Types Of Keyword

Mainly are Two (02) Types of Keyword:
  1. Short Tail Keyword.
  2. Long Tail Keyword.
  1. Short Tail Keyword: The word count of the keyword is limited to 1 or 2, it is called Short Tail Keyword.
  2. Long Tail Keyword: The keyword that has more than 2 words is called Long Tail Keyword.

What is Search Volume: Every month, how many people search for that keyword in a specific location, it is called Search Volume.

What is keyword difficulty (KD): Refers to the level of competition on search engine results pages (SERPs) for a particular keyword. In other words, it’s a measure of how hard it is to rank for a particular keyword

What is Targeted Keyword: The topics that the client wants to do business with, that is the targeted keyword of the client

How to Selecting perfect Keyword: Which keywords are low competitive, there is less competition for which keywords, if you target any keywords, my client will be able to do business (demand value), my client will be profitable.

What is LSI Keyword ( Latent Semantic indexing): Meaning is synonymous (Semilary) Keyword. more details are:

LSI stands for Latent Semantic Indexing, and LSI keywords are terms that are related to the main topic or keyword you are focusing on in your content. These keywords are semantically linked to the primary keyword, providing additional context and helping search engines understand the content’s overall theme.

The use of LSI keywords is part of a broader approach to creating content that is not just keyword-stuffed but is also semantically rich and contextually relevant. Search engines, like Google, use algorithms to interpret the relationships between words and phrases to deliver more accurate and meaningful search results to users.

For example, if your main keyword is “apple,” LSI keywords could include terms like “orchard,” “fruit,” “health benefits,” or “recipes.” These terms help search engines understand that your content is about the broader topic of apples, not just the electronic devices or the fruit company.

What is KGR Keyword: The KGR, or Keyword Golden Ratio, is a concept introduced in the field of search engine optimization (SEO). The KGR is a formula used to identify potentially low-competition keywords that may be easier to rank for in search engine results.

The formula is:
KGR= Number of Allintitle results/ Local Monthly Search Volume

  1. Number of Allintitle results: This is the number of web pages with the exact keyword phrase in their title tags. It’s an indicator of how many pages are specifically targeting that exact keyword.
  2. Local Monthly Searches: This is the average number of times the keyword is searched for in a specific geographic location over a mon

The idea behind KGR is to find keywords with a low level of competition by identifying those that have a relatively low ratio (ideally less than 0.25). This means that there are fewer competing pages with the exact keyword in their titles compared to the monthly search volume, indicating a potential opportunity to rank well for that keyword.

It’s important to note that while KGR can be a useful tool for discovering low-competition keywords, it should be used in conjunction with other SEO strategies and metrics to create a comprehensive and effective content strategy.

What is organic Keyword: The keyword that is between 1-100 is called organic keyword.

More details are:

An organic keyword refers to a keyword used in the context of search engine optimization (SEO) to attract organic or unpaid search traffic to a website. These are the words or phrases that people enter into search engines when looking for information, products, or services. The term “organic” in this context refers to the natural, non-paid search results that appear based on relevance to the user’s query.

Organic keywords play a crucial role in SEO, as website owners and marketers optimize their content and web pages to rank higher in search engine results for specific keywords. The goal is to attract more organic traffic to the website by appearing on the first page or top positions of search engine results pages (SERPs).

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