Things to be maintained to do on-Page SEO

  1. High Quality Content 
  2. Page Title 
  3. URL Optimization 
  4. Headers 
  5. Meta Description
  6. Image Alt Text
  7. Linking ( Internal & External)
  8. Speed Optimization 
  9. Structured Data
  10. Mobile Responsible

Content is of 3 types:

1. Page Content- Service Related

                                         2. Blog Content-  For Post 

                                         3. Product Content- Product related

3 types of plugins are used for On Page SEO:
  1. Rank Math Seo Plugin
  2. Yoast Seo Plugin
  3. All in One Seo Plugin

 On- Page Audit

  1. URL
  2. Title
  3. Meta Description
  4. Image Alt Text
  5. Heading tag
  6. Internal Or External Linking
  7. Keyword density
  1. Expertise: Expertise is how much the person who wrote the content is proficient in that subject and what are his skills in this niche, etc.

2. Authoritativeness: How much authority or acceptance do you have on the topic you are talking about?

3.Trustworthiness: How much do people/Google trust you in your field? This is Trustworthiness.

More Details are:

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It’s a concept that comes from Google’s guidelines for evaluating the quality of content, particularly for pages that are focused on providing information in areas such as health, finance, and other critical topics. E-A-T is an important consideration for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as it plays a role in how well a webpage might perform in search engine rankings.

Google aims to deliver high-quality and reliable content to its users, and E-A-T is one of the ways the search engine evaluates the credibility of websites and the information they provide. Websites with strong E-A-T are more likely to rank well in search engine results, especially for content that requires a high level of trust, such as medical or financial information.

It’s important for website owners and content creators to focus on building E-A-T by producing high-quality, well-researched content, establishing expertise in their field, and ensuring their online presence is trustworthy and authoritative.

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