Link Building/Backlinks

What is backlinks ?

If you visit other sites for marketing purpose or branding purpose for your website, create a relationship with him after visiting and as a result allow your site link to be posted or pasted on his site, it is called Link Building. Give proper info and guideline along with it.

Backlinks, also known as “inbound links” or “incoming links,” are links that point from one website to another. They play a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO) and are considered a vote of confidence for the linked website. Search engines, such as Google, use backlinks as a measure of a website’s authority, relevance, and popularity.

Backlinks/ Link building are 2 Types:
  1. Paid Backlinks
  2. Free Backlinks
What is Paid Backlinks ?

To get some backlinks the site owner has to pay money. Those are called Paid Backlinks, Example:

  • Guest Posting
  • Link Insert
  • Outreach Backlinks

What is Free Backlinks ?

There are som free Backlinks:

A page rank is based on many factors. For example,
  • Content Structure
  • Content Theme
  • Search Intent is filling-up or not
  • Does the site have authority or not?
  • Is there power or not?
  • How is the popularity?
  • etc
Keep in mind while getting backlinks,
  • Authority of that site should be more than yours
  • Do it from Niche Relevant sites
  • The UI / UX of that site should be better
  • Its Spam Score should be low
  • Above all, the site should be better than you

what is Contextual Links

This is if you get a link through pure anchor text

What is PBN Backlinks

Means talks about many topics. Since this is a private blog network, the site owner writes about everything from Ukraine war updates to how to drink water. That’s why backlinks from such sites are more likely to go to spam

What is Social Bookmarks

Bookmark your site link on social sites.

What is Article Directories

There are many sites that submit high-quality articles with a 5-10% chance of being approved. But most of them become Spam Backlinks.

 What is Reciprocal Links (Links Exchange):

If two site owners link to each other, it is a backlink. It doesn’t work very well because competitors won’t give you backlinks easily.

There are many sites that ask for business listing

If any such site publishes press release type content, you will get such a link.

We can get such a link by creating a profile on a site

What is  Web 2.0

Web 2.0 backlinks are taken from sites like Wix, Pantheon, by creating a free site and creating a webpage like your own.

What is Citation

Backlinks are taken from sites that allow submission of NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number).

  1. Local Citation for local sites

2. Profile & Business Listing

3. Web 2.0

4. Directory

5. Social Bookmarking

Things to consider when Auditing backlinks

  • Is the referring domain relevant or not?
  • How is the quality? (DA/DR/AS)
  • Do follow or no follow backlink
  • Are the two sites in the same language?
  • What kind of anchor text comes from

Text in which a link is used is called Anchor Text. Backlinks from Anchor Text are called Contextual Backlinks

Generally there are 8 types of anchor text.

  • Brand Anchor: Ideal Electricians
  • Brand + Keywords: Ahrefs Keyword Generator, Nike Shoes…
  • Exact Match: Directly targeted keyword if used as anchor.
  • Partial Match: No direct match. But the words of targeted keywords are before and after. For example, Keyword Generator Ahrefs…
  • Relevant Keyword Anchor: Linking from Relevant Keyword
  • Naked Anchor: Using direct URL as Anchor.
  • Generic Natural Anchor: Click Here, Visit Here, Read More…
  • Image Anchor: Taking links from images

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